My Summer Car Wiki

Johannes Rojola (born 1982), also known as ToplessGun on Steam and RoyalJohnLove on YouTube is the developer of My Summer Car. Before he created the game, he specialized in making music and covers for songs such as Marjatta by KTROPR that can be found on YouTube, either on his channel or by searching those by his name. According to an article, he based the idea for the main car on his ownership of the Nissan Cherry/Datsun 100A, which is the real life equivalent of the Satsuma. He made videos about older video games, mainly about old computers and the Philips CD-i console.


The picture of ToplessGun from one of his documentaries

He is also known for his very funny English accent (or the actual lack of it). His grammar and game translations are 100% correct but the pronunciation is off, which you can see in his video regarding the older version of the game.


(11) My Summer Car- What is it all about!

He still has a website on which he claims to be a music artist:

Here's a fragment of a sort-of a interview with him from one of the old forum threads.

The previous name RoyalJohnLove (still name of his youtube channel) is a quite funny and clever translation of his real name. Johannes is the name of John in bible translated in Finnish, eg. John the baptist is Johannes the baptist. Roya(l)+lo(ve) without the ve is quite close to how you pronounce Rojola.

In this interview he reveals that his spouse does graphics like items and house interiors, and he got some friends to help with music in future. (note that the interview is quite old, so future might be past or present at this point. Afterall, we have got a lot more music on the radio.) Fun fact is that some of the music is done by topless himself :)

If you are interested in his music, visit this finnish page on It gathered almost all his songs, just press "Lataa MP3" to play one of them.

Johannes Rojola also appeared with his friend Rami Airola in various short films. Some of them are in English and you can see them on Rami's channel simply called "Airola".

Rojola and Airola

Rojola (on the left) and Airola (Right)

External links
